HurricaneSwap Bi-weekly Recap: Week 5&6

2 min readNov 22, 2021


Hurricane Major News

  • HurricaneSwap V2 is in final-stage testing, and will be launched soon!
  • Security Audit update
  • Partnership with Verso Finance, O3 and Lydia Finance
  • Rewards from Trading Competition have been claimed


  • $ 38,341,080 Total Value Locked (TVL, Peak Value)
  • $28,698,245.83 Daily Trading Volume (Peak Value)
  • 4,268 Interactive Addresses
  • 31,445 $HCT Holders
  • 1,921 Actively trading users

Product Updates

1. Update Bug Bounty workflow

We submitted a new Bug Bounty Plan, which will list on Immunefi (, a blockchain bug-bounty integration platform. The new bug bounty will be public in 1–2 weeks time.

2. HashEx audit update

HashEx is auditing the contract of HurricaneSwap V2. More information will be released after the audit is completed.

3. Add LP Token Bridge

Completed the PoC (proof of concept) of the LP token bridge to realize that LPs in the BSC station could cross-chain their HcSwap LP token to Avalanche C-chain and receive HCT rewards.

4. Design Update

Updated Migration, LP-Token Bridge, Stake, and Farm page designs. Bring in Proof of Reserve data display in the Info & Swap page.

5. Other

Public Peckshield audit report of HurricaneSwap V2 and Slowmist audit report of HurricaneSwap V2 released. View on:;

Open-sourced portion of V2 contract in GitHub:;

Fully open-sourced V1 contract on explorer (e.g. ;

DAO feature design and V3 flashloan-arbitrage function design.

Partnership, podcasts and AMAs


  • New Farm: VSO/HCT, O3/HCT, LYD/HCT
  • HurricaneSwap-Intro AMA at communities of Verso Finance, O3 and Lydia Finance
  • Thanksgiving Event
  • HurricaneSwap V2 is coming

